دانلود آهنگ نگرانت میشم از ابی

متن آهنگ نگرانت میشم از ابی
دستشو میگیری نگرانت میشم
دور میشی میری نگرانت میشم
دستتو میگیره دور میشه میره
تورو از دست دادن تلخه نفس گیره
دستام یخ کردن تو سرم آتیشه
وقتی ازهم دورین نگرانت میشه
هزار ساله که رفتی من هنوز پشت شیشم
موهاتو باد برده عطرش جامونده پیشم
حال و روزم خوب وخوش نیست بی تو نا آرومم
به یادت که میفتم نگرانت میشم
نگرانت میشم نازکی رنجوری
توی ظاهر اما یاغی و مغروری
چشمات میخندن توی قاب چوبی
نگرانت هستم روبه راهی خوبی…
هزار ساله که رفتی من هنوز پشت شیشم
موهاتو باد برده عطرش جامونده پیشم
حال و روزم خوب وخوش نیست بی تو نا آرومم
به یادت که میفتم نگرانت میشم
بگو این بار به دلش پا بندی
توی عکس تازت بازم میخندی
اون که پیشش هستی عشقم حالیشه؟
اگه باز عاشق شی نگرانت میشه…
هزار ساله که رفتی…
you take his hands
i get worried about you
you recede and leave
i get worried about you
he takes your hands
he recedes and leave
losing you
is bitter (/Hard) , it's breathtaking
my hands are freezed
there is a fire in my head
when you are separated from each other
he gets worried about you
it has been thousand years that you've left
i'm still behind the window
wind has taken your hair
its smell is still here with me
i don't feel good
i'm streaked without you
when i think about you
i get worried about you
i get worried about you
you're fragile
but your appearance shows a proud and lawless person
your eyes are laughing , in a wooden frame
i'm worried about you
you're happy , you feel good
it has been thousand years that you've left
i'm still behind the window
wind has taken your hair
its smell is still here with me
i don't feel good
i'm streaked without you
when i think about you
i get worried about you
tell me , this time you're loyal to his heart
in your new photo you're smiling again
the one who is next to you
does he know anything about love?
if you fall in love again
will he get worried about you?
it has been thousand years that you've left